Hate is a Virus
Mixed Media
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Preparatory Work & Visual Experimentation
Looking at art in context, I explored how the pandemic has influenced xenophobic behaviour against individuals of Asian descent. I aimed to raise awareness and represent the issue from my perspective.
I started my practical development by experimenting with different materials and mediums, aiming to create a dispersing effect to mirror the virus. By separating the layers of painted tissue paper, I was able to see the gradual reduction of colours. I then attempted to work with watercolour and cling wrap, soap and black ink on paper to recreate the bubble-like patterns of cells.

Microscopic Studies
Developing this idea, I conducted further research into cell studies and histology, in particular, the virus in microscopic view and the cells found in lungs of infected patients. Creating studies allowed me to understand the visual elements of cells, later incorporating them in my final outcome.

I then worked with a more direct way of representing my ideas, through drawing victims and scenes from rallies that I have seen surfaced in the media.

Final Body of Work
For my final outcomes, I produced three main bodies of work. From the series of portraits on paper, I decided to translate them onto skin by using face paint crayons and eyeliner for the details of the fist. I believe that using skin as a surface provides a raw experience and connects more strongly with the idea behind the anti-sentiment.

The series ‘I am not a Label’ links back to the scientific element of my project, aiming to display text and the spikes of the COVID-19 cells. I wanted people to reflect on the impact of words and look at these in ‘microscopic view’.
I chose to use acrylic pouring medium, acrylic ink, hot glue and alcohol to produce a volume of transparency that would allow the pigment to bleed and travel. I thought about how scientists labeled experiments, and wanted to link the idea of ‘labels’ to the names or phrases that have been used to describe the virus and individuals of Asian descent.